Traditional resistance fighters and magickal resistance fighters both play integral roles in challenging oppressive systems, yet they operate in distinct realms that are mutually reinforcing. Traditional resistance fighters engage in physical, tangible acts of defiance, often involving strategic planning, armed struggle, or advocacy to effect societal change. On the other hand, magickal resistance fighters operate in the realm of metaphysics, wielding beliefs, rituals, and spiritual practices to combat injustice on an energetic or supernatural level. While traditional resistance fighters address immediate, visible manifestations of oppression, magickal resistance fighters operate on subtle planes, influencing energies, intentions, and the collective consciousness. Both are necessary: the former for tangible impact and visible change, and the latter for the transformation of deeper, underlying energies and paradigms that sustain oppressive structures. Together, they form a symbiotic relationship, as the tangible efforts of traditional resistance fighters can be enhanced by the metaphysical interventions of magickal resistance fighters, creating a more comprehensive approach toward societal transformation.
Being a magickal resistance fighter involves harnessing esoteric and supernatural practices to combat oppression, foster change, and protect oneself and others. Here are ways to enact resistance through magickal and supernatural means:
Protection Spells. Create and cast protective spells to shield yourself and allies from harm. Warding rituals, talismans, and amulets can serve as metaphysical shields against negative energies or adversaries. It doesn’t matter what your tradition is, just get it done and be sure to do regular maintenance.
Influence and Persuasion. Use spells or rituals to influence minds and sway opinions. Charm work or rituals aimed at influencing decision-makers may help change perspectives or encourage empathetic actions. Glamour spells, Bend-Over, Inflammatory Confusion, Do as I Please, Domination, Commanding, Binding, and Banishing are just a few of the types of works and formulas that can be used to influence and persuade the powers that be. If you need any of these, I’ve got them on my website www.creolemoon.com. Spiritual Guidance. Connect with ancestral spirits, spirit guides, or deities associated with justice and liberation. Seek their guidance and blessings to navigate challenges and receive insights on effective resistance strategies. St. Maroon, St. Martin de Porres, Manman Brigit, Baron Samedi, Marie Laveau, Erzulie Dantor, Ogun Feray, and Papa Legba are a few of the New Orleans Voudou spirits and saints that can assist in this area.
Energy Manipulation. Channel and direct energy through rituals to disrupt oppressive forces or systems. Energy work can be used to raise awareness, promote unity among allies, or disrupt negative influences. Organize rituals that symbolize resistance or liberation. Energy work performed by groups of people prove to be most powerful, so gather your covens, houses, students, godchildren, and like-minded friends and focus on a particular justified goal and manifest that shit. Group ceremonies can serve as powerful acts of solidarity, raising collective energy toward a common goal or cause.
Divination for Strategy. Use divination tools like tarot cards, runes, or scrying to gain insights into future events and plan strategic resistance actions. This strategy is a most useful tool so don’t forget to use it.
Healing and Empowerment. Provide healing and support to those affected by oppression or violence. Magickal practices can aid in emotional healing, resilience building, and empowerment. Psychic and psychological wounding is a very real thing both first and second hand for people of color and our allies. Learn to recognize when someone is not okay and be proactive in offering support. Do not hesitate to seek professional help if needed.
Manifesting Change. Practice manifestation rituals or spells aimed at manifesting positive change, social justice, and equality. If you are new to this kind of thing, you will need to practice. Start by trying to manipulate a candle flame. Manifest the best parking spot before you get there. You have to exercise those particular psychic muscles in order to make them stronger and in order to learn how to tap into that energy source. Then you can graduate to bigger things.
Cultural Preservation. Use magick to preserve cultural heritage and ancestral knowledge. Pass down magickal traditions and folklore that hold resistance narratives or strategies. This is so important. We are losing the information held by our elders and the only way we can benefit from their wisdom and experience is to talk to them, get their advice, write it down and share it with your family, descendants, students, and anywhere it is appropriate for you and your family’s magickal legacy.
Community Building. Organize magickal resistance gatherings or circles to create networks of support, share knowledge, and build community resilience against oppressive forces. Just like we are doing here, the more, the merrier. That said, do not be indiscriminate in who you allow into your circle. This work must be performed with discretion and protection. Way your pros and cons in terms of public acknowledgement of any kind of ritual details or plans. Rituals should not be announced to the world before or during the process. No mention should be had publicly afterwords unless it is absolutely necessary. Magick has always been a clandestine practice when it comes to standing up to those who would destroy us and the world as we know it. You MUST protect yourself and your circle.
There are folks calling for the extermination of nonChristians and others who do not fit the Christian national profile as we speak. Nick Fuentes, the hate leader who dined at Mar-a-Lago last year with Donald Trump and Kanye West, is calling for a genocide of “perfidious Jews” and other non-Christians (Dec 12, 2023 Nick Fuentes Says 'Perfidious Jews' Should Be Executed ) https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/nick-fuentes-jews-executed-1234925748/
Washington state Representative Matt Shea took credit of a manifesto of sorts titled "Biblical Basis for War" that outlines a coming holy war, a battle that would require killing any non-Christian who does not "yield." (2018, Republican Politician's 'Biblical Basis for War' Called for Killing All Non-Christian Men Who Don't 'Yield' (newsweek.com)
A Texas pastor calls for gay people to be shot in the head Texas Pastor Calls for Gay People to Be Shot in the Head (advocate.com)
There are a lot of examples of this kind of nontolerance happening. Google can be your friend but treat all media with a critical eye and do not accept anything at face value. Consider your sources and the agendas of all writers, blogs, websites, and news sources. EVERYONE HAS AN AGENDA. The problem is in transparency and those agendas that thrive on deception, propaganda, and disinformation in order to cause chaos.
Remember, using magick for resistance and social change requires ethical considerations and mindfulness. Intent, ethics, and responsible use of magical practices are crucial when engaging in any form of supernatural resistance.
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