The Power of Water and Words in Magick

The power of water and words cannot be understated in magick. Magick traditions emphasize the importance of thoughts and the power of words - otherwise known as our intentions -on our spell craft and healing modalities. For the most effective magick, the practitioner must be absolutely clear and resolute with their intention in each step of ritual. The video below is a fabulous example of how powerful our thoughts and words actually are. In magick, we believe we can speak and will things into existence, and this video shows how it is scientifically possible. We see just how our words affect water when spoken into and over the water. Words written and placed under a bowl of water can have a similar effect, punctuating the importance of concisely written petitions. This is also why we should avoid gossiping and talking frivolously when performing water rites, whether it is during a baptism, spiritual bath, foot washing, or anything else. This is why prayers are so powerful during cleansing rites. 

Additionally, witnessing what certain hateful words and words with extreme cultural negativity look like on the molecular structure of water should make you take pause as to how your magick leaves an imprint on the world. Focusing on revenge and cursing others leaves a lot of ugly we can't even see, yet we sure can feel. I'm not saying that there is never a time to do left-handed magick; in the world of hoodoo, it's all about restoring balance and returning conditions to their natural order. This is one reason why you must be very careful with the kind of work you do and be justified in doing it. As the video points out, our bodies are 60% water, so even when we direct our words into a candle or a doll, for example, it comes from and vibrates within our physical, water-laden vessels. Makes you think about what kind of weight you want to carry around, doesn't it? It also should empower you to realize that correct thought and speech can have a healing and restorative effect on our bodies, as well.

While Dr. Emoto's research has come under scrutiny by the scientific community and called pseudoscience, the concepts align with that of magick. Magick is also considered quackery and illegitimate by the scientific community because they have had a heck of a time explaining it. The problem has been in how to define concepts and then how to measure them. Just because mainstream science can't explain magick doesn't mean it is not real. It means science is too rigid and lacks the creativity necessary to research and evaluate it effectively.

What would your name look like if spoken over water? Would you want to see it?

What would your last conjuration or spell look like? Do you think you focused enough energy for there to be a trace record had you performed it over water?

If you could see the effect of one word on water, what would it be?

Watch the three-minute video below, hit the comments, answer the questions, and let's discuss.

This blog post is a lesson from the Spiritual Baths and Cleansings Master Class at Crossroads University.


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